exchange rates us

exchange rates us
Foreign Exchange Currency Converter - RBC Royal Bank.Select conversion amount. of foreign currency products so you can purchase your travel money through us.. *Exchange rates may include a service charge.
Foreign Exchange Rates. The rates quoted below are current.
Foreign Exchange - TD Canada Trust.
RatesFX - US dollar, USD, Exchange rate table.
The latest wholesale exchange rate information for the New Zealand Dollar against the US Dollar.. About us Press enter to show hide sub-menu options.
Exchange Rates Graph (British Pound, US Dollar) - X-Rates.
Yearly Average Currency Exchange Rates - Internal Revenue Service.

Exchange rates graphs - NZD USD | ANZ.
Currency Converter - Yahoo!7 Finance.
exchange rates us
USD/CAD closing rate summary - Bank of Canada.Monthly and annual average exchange rates - Bank of Canada.
US$/CAN$ closing rate summary. Date, USD -> CAD, CAD -> USD. Latest closing, 2013-05-27, 1.0337, 0.9674. Past 12 months. High, 2012-06-04, 1.0397.
USD to SGD Exchange Rate - Bloomberg.